FXMoguls introducing MaxiVote

Hi there!

FxMoguls Staff have been quite active in the last 24 hrs...
And now they are comin' up with another news: FxMoguls  [reviewed HERE ] introduces a new way to Vote for the Program on various Monitors.
This new system is called MaxiVote, please don't be scared , it's not dangerous ;-)

Please read below:

Dear members,

This is just a very brief email to alert you to the fact that we have added a new feature to the FX Moguls website called Maxivote. 
Maxivote is a pretty unique piece of software that allows our members to vote at over 30 monitors automatically without having to visit them individually.

This will allow you to vote for FX Moguls after you have been paid and will only take around 3 minutes of your time in total. This feature has the potential to really increase the strength of the marketing that we are doing and increase the effectiveness of our rankings on the monitors that we have hired to monitor our program.

If you visit fxmoguls.com and look on the right hand side of the home page you will see a small maxivote banner. Simply click on the banner and follow the prompts. You will be asked to enter all of the normal monitor voting information but only one time.

Once you start the process maxivote will ask you to confirm a few turing numbers. Then it will automatically submit your vote to 29 of the monitors that monitor fxmoguls.com. You will receive confirmation emails from some monitors and it is as simple as confirming your vote and it will be added to their website thereby increasing our ranking and popularity with them. Please be sure to check your spam folder for some of the confirmation emails as some may end up in there.

This feature increases the financial stability of our program and allows us to dedicate funds to upgrading our website and offering you more innovative features rather than spending it on advertising.

We greatly hope that if you feel that we have done a good job thus far that you will take the time to vote after you have been paid.

Thank you

FX Moguls LTD Staff