
Hi there,

a New Company has been added to HBMonitor PremiumTopChart.

A warm welcome to LionFunds ,running since 11.26.2010

As usual , no bla-bla here :


$10 - $1 000(LF1)
1.3% Daily

$1, 001 - $5, 000(LF2)
1.5% Daily

$5, 001 - $20, 000(LF3)
1.8% Daily

$20, 001 - $50, 000(LF4)
2.2% Daily

$50 ,001 - $100, 000(LF5)
2.7% Daily

Over $100, 000(VIP)
3.3% for Daily

  • Compounding available
  • Investment term is 180 trading days for all investment plans offered
  • Initial deposit and compounded profits will be returned after plan expiration
  • Pre-term contract cancellation is available

Payment Processors

 LibertyReserve , PerfectMoney , Bankwires

More details from the Website...

LION FUNDS is an investment company officially registered in Dominica and successfully providing financial services to investors worldwide since 2003. All financial operations are held in the fields of stocks, bonds, hedge funds and private placement. All investments are managed by a group of highly experienced certified financial professionals.

OptimumPride payments supended

Dear HBMonitor,

First, We want to say merry christmas to all of our investors.

Second, due to end of this year, OptimumPride will suspend all payments and We will resume the payments after Jan 8, 2011.

All earnings will still be credited to your wallet as usual.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. 

Happy new year 2011.
Regards, Clara Support Department 


Dear Followers,

it's our pleasure to introduce you a new Ranked Company on HBMonitor Premium TopChart

A warm Welcome to FelixFunds.

As usual , let's go straight to the point.
Do you wanna know more about FelixFunds Plans?

Here we go:

Felix 1
Min 1-Max 100
% 1.2  daily (business days) - no expiration date
Deposit  returned on request (15% fee) - compounding not allowed


Min 101-Max 2,000
% 1.5  daily (business days) - no expiration date
Deposit  returned on request (15% fee) - compounding not allowed


Min 2,001-Max 5,000
% 1.8  daily (business days) - no expiration date
Deposit  returned on request (15% fee) - compounding not allowed


Min 5,001-No limit
% 2.3 daily (business days) - no expiration date
Deposit  returned on request (15% fee) - compounding not allowed

Payment Processors =  LibertyReserve , PerfectMoney , AlertPay

More details from the Website..

We are in the area of investment, foreign exchange and commodities transactions and has extensive expertise. Proficient in a variety of areas enables us to achieve three main investment goals: higher yields, diversification of assets and reduce risk. In reality we are also active in the business activities of our online business, including online foreign exchange, securities and commodities trading online. Continuous efforts, unremitting pursuit of perfection, careful analysis and first-class technology transactions enables us to achieve the lowest cost of all the business objectives.

HBMonitor Terms of Service

Hyip definition : High Yield Investment Program.

The Web is a great opportunity to earn money,or to loose money.

A lot of people are looking for an easy way to live without working.
But not all that’s glitter is gold.
The Hyip Programs are growing fast in the last 2 years,but many of them are Scams.

How to select the good ones?
This’s not an easy task,that’s why this Blog has born.

You can find many good Forums on the argument,and many Monitor Sites.

Unfortunatly The Admins of some Hyips are the same of many Monitor Sites .

That’s why you are not safe,you shouldn’t believe to one word they say.

That’s the reason why I made the choice to build my Home-Made Monitor Blog.

Term of Use:

• All the Programs listed in the HBMonitor Top Chart are truly Paying
• I’m an active investor in all of these programs
• I’m not the Admin and I do not endorse any of these programs
• My opinion is not for sale !
• If a Program is not paying for 48 hours,it will be suspended.
• If a Program is not paying for 3 days,it will be deleted from the TopChart.

 Have a nice business !

WBwso suspended

Hi Followers

We're sorry to say that WBwso Program has been suspended.

We've detected selective payments during the last 48 hours,and We've got a pending withdrawal since Sep-13-2010 - 05:28:05 PM.

We hope WBwso STATUS will recover soon  .

Stay tuned


Hello everyone!

Today we'd like to introduce you a brand new Company just added to HBM Premium TopChart.

We're talkin' about YamaFinance.

As usual we like to go straight to the point, no bla-bla here !

YamaFinance 4 Plans:

min $ 10,00 - 1.20% Daily - 100 Business Days

min $ 500,00 - 6.25% Weekly - 22 Weeks

min $ 1,000.00 - from 1.3% up to 1.55% Daily - 110 B. Days

min $ 20,000.00 - 1.60% Daily - 120 B.Days

Principal amount is returned at the end of the Period.

Payment Processors :

LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney - Peak of your financial imagination

...and more details from their Website:

We are a young developing company.
Our history began just a year ago, however the team of our Yama Finance traders, who work on the global stock markets, is held in respect among other stock trading specialists.

In addition to that, the services provided by our specialists are of great interest to customers all over the globe, as they realize how profitable unique Japanese stock and Forex trading technologies can be.

Each Yama Finance employee knows that success on the stock market can be achieved not by those with big assets and rich experience, but by those who get access to the market information earlier than anyone else and by those who use ultramodern stock trading technologies.
That's the strategy of business development used by our company's managers who realize that the Tokyo Stock Exchange opens earlier than other stock exchanges.
Meaning, the company can use this benefit and get information about the state of financial markets earlier than others during the day trading session.
By analyzing the data after the closure of the US stock exchanges NYSE and Nasdaq, our company's analysts begin each new trading day being armed with all the necessary technical and fundamental information.

BullInvest suspended

Sorry to say ..

we've moved BullInvest Program to WAITING Status on the HBMonitor Premium TopChart 'cause we've detected selective payments from the Admin.

All the other payments were regularly processed .

Please DO NOT Invest in BullInvest anymore.

SCAM LIST - Do not invest here


Do NOT invest here !!!


-Latest Scams-
Weekly Updated

Jasmin Al Basir
Invest Division
Instantly Gains
Land Bank Invest
Golden Shoes Ventures
BetBank Fund
FxCommerce Profit
Bull Investments Corp
Forex Barter
Cash Cow
Real Invest Profit
Easy Cash Growth
Basic Shares
Colorful Profit
World Market
Money Never Sleeps
Amillo Trade
Russian Oil Fund
Profitix Group
Zeus Funds
Vested - Investment
Solid Percent Corp
Uniq Stock
Oil Trade Ltd
Metalic Fund
For Your Income
Forex Interests
Active Market Investment
Catalyst Funds
Plex Fund
Fx Explorer
Extreme Inv
Eazy Invest
Kangaroo Invest
Stable Packs
Atom Fund
Dexa Capital
Best Ethanol
Money New Online
Relax Forex Trading
Invest Corp Ltd
Proficient Fund
World Private Funds
EuroCup Invest
Garth Group
Successful Earn
Cash Roller
Global - Instant
Acumen Invest
Unite Trade
Finances Advisor
Relax Forex Trading
Famega Investments
Top Star Fund
Best Fx Income
Solid Cash Inv
Earning Co
Premium Gain
SyFunds Inc
Inv Secure
Approved Invest
Money Island
Inv Pros
International Invest
Sweet Earning
Future Investments
Internation Forge
Global Trade Managers
Regisinvestment Fund
Major Profit
OS Gain
Up - Upper
Liberty Dream Invest Inc
Excel Inv
Glare Investment
Extra Profit Hyip
Planet of Investment
Online Investment Fund
Offshore Private Plan
Endless Profits
Plaza Investment Co
The Forex Funds
Safe - Income
Million - Profit
True Forexer Inc
Investment Session
Oil - Mining Investment
Angel Barter
Real - Earn
Forex Club Inv
Ferein Funds
AYA Investment
Gold School
Leeds Funds
Maple Trust
Poker - Invest
Toearn Funds
Earn Golden
Master Forex Group
Investi Heaven
Prime Money
eBase Investment
Invest Award
Golden Strategy
World Cup Fund
Stable Investment
Forex Paid Me
As Invest Group
Best For Gains
Fx Market Analyst
Finance Co
Atlantis MIA
Sot Invest
Ably Trade
Global Fund Invest
Best Profit Company
Pay 4 Profit
Auto Pay Back
Bravex Funds
Edelman Trust
Vinson Funds
Return Daily
Connector Invest
White Feather Fund
Xaga Enterprise
Sam Sting
Dragadox Group Inc
Live Profit Inc
Nimbus Trust Company
Top One Deposit
Money Key Pro
Five - Fund
Globo Funds Corp
Diamond Earnings Group
Onix Fund Daily
Steady Roi
Global Forex Traders
ACE Entertainments
Crude Oil Capital
Master Cause
You Profit
Enviro Ventures
Prosperia Fund
Harmonic Market
Stock Trade Group


-History Scams-
since Nov 2008
alphabetical order

13Daily Pro
2009 Hyip
2009 Hyip
2010inv Ltd
2010inv Ltd
225 Percent
4 Fx Investment
4 Golden Future
7 Profit
9 Traders
A1 Profits
Able Hyip
Acrylic Trade
Alcohol Inv
Alfa Investment
Aliva Fund
American Work Group
Amnezia - Profit
AmTrust Inv
Arby Fund
Asia Pacific Fund Inc
Asian Invest Group
Asset - Pay
Assets Party
Aterfund Ltd
Atm Liberty
Aureate Source
Australian Gold Corp
Auto Payment System
Auto Return
Avex Trade
Balance Capital
Bama Investment
Bank 2009
Barclay Premier Fund
Benefit Shares
Best Busi Opps
Best Capitalist
Best Finance Capital
Best For Invest
Best Forex Ltd
Best Fx Trade
Best Inv
Best My Funds
Best Profit
Better - Money
Better - Money
Better Money Earner
Big - Capital
Big Forexer
Bill Fund
Bis Fund
Blitz - Corp
Blitz Investments Inc
Blue Borgart Funds
Blue Lotus Capital
Bm Income
Brain Management
BriCs Forex
Brics Investment
Bulow Funds
Business Daily Profit
Business Invests
Calper Stock Group
Cape of Good Hope Investment Group
Capital Funds Investment Co
Capital Stock Generation
Capitolia Profit Center
Carnarvon Investment
Carribeans Investment Broker
Casco Funds
Cash - X - Press
Cash Back Invest
Cash Crash
Cash Inv
Cash Office
Cash Retake
Casine Invest Ltd
Cent 2 Dollar
Centasia Development
Champion Investment
China Toy Trade
Christmas Plan
Christmas Plan
Christmas Plan
Citadel Investment
Citi Hyip Bank
City Investment
Classic - Plans
Clipper Invest
Cnnfx Club
Cobex Talent
Colombia Hyip
Commerce Share Ltd
Commercial Barter
Constant Finance
Continental - Investment
Corpo Nano
Daily - Maker
Deca Deposit
Delta Lloyd Invest Fund
Deposit Tower
Dimensional - Wealth Fund
Direct Result
Doji Investment
Double Libertyreserve
Dreamy Money
Dum Invest
Dutch Invest Fund Co
Dynamic Nasdaq
E - Invest - Team
E Money Investment
E Profit
Earn Higher
Earn Market
Easy Cash Money
Easy Crazy Cash
Ecom Investment Limited
Ecommerce Benefit
Economic Key
Economy Fund
Electronic Deposit Inc
Elegant Money
Elite Fund Group
Emeraldpro Ltd
Emerging Fund
Emirate Invest
Empire Income
Energic Funds
Energy Funds Investment Group
Enterprise - Investments
Enveron Finance Ltd
Epower Stock
Eric Finance
Erty Invest
Erty Invest
Eternal Profits
ETF Business
Euro Wide Invest
Euro World Market
Europe Forex
Europe Trade ltd
European Investment Funds
EWO Capital
Exotic Fund
Expert Forex League
Fair Trade Pay
Fairfield Funds
FalconLead Profits
Fast Fund
Fast Pro 4u
FeC Trade
Fidelity Cash
Filam - Investment
Finer Trxtras
First Free Bank
Flow Broker Inc
Forex - Prof
Forex Business Services
Forex Investment Association
Forex Ltd
Forex Market Traders
Forex Victory
FoundLand Finance
Fox - Fund
Free Transfer
Fuf Invest
Full Profit
Fund Lights
Fund Origin
Fund Portal
Fund Sparkle
Fund String Inc
Future Trails Inc
FX Bijou
FX Capital Investment
Fx Concepts
FX Daily Plan
FX Invest Store Ltd
FX Majesty
Fx Spear
FX Zinc
FxBig Online
FXG Experts
G20 - Investment
GCI Invest
Gears Of Profit
Genesis Fonds
Genius Capital
GFC - Profit
Ging Invest
Glasgow Benefit Ltd
Global - Daily - Capital
Global Finance Traders
Global Forex Finance
Global Trader Group
Global Trader Online
Go 2 Invest
Gold Invest Group Ltd
Gold Match
Gold Mining Investment
Golden Cash
Golden Investment Ltd
Golden Investors
Golden Village Fund
GoldenInvest Pro
Good Return
Gorgeous Profit
Great Billow Fund
Gross Barter
Grow - Fast
Grow Secure Money
Halkrow Invest
Happy Earning
Hassan Al Fadi
Hck Trading
Hexa Fund
HIFI Profit
HiGain Trade
High Rise Finance Co
Highland Corp
Honest Investments
Honest Program
Honest Traders
Hot Capital
Hyip Admin
Hyip Trader Corporation
Imok Trade Corp
Imperial Finances
Inbox Trade
Inco Funds
Increase In Capital
Inprofit Corp
Instant Money Bets
Instant Payments
Intensify Funds Ltd
Interbank FX Funds
International Call Center Inc
Intinv Group
Invest - In - Oil
Invest - Royal
Invest 4 Income
Invest Evolution
Invest Joy
Invest Master Group
Invest Patiga
Invest Yellow
Investment - Center
Investment - Program
Investment Share
IPO Trading
Jet 30 Inc
Jet Profit
Jewish Investment
Juicy Invest
Junior Fund
Just - Fund
KBD Investment Services
Kol Fund
Kumani Fund
Landed Money Investment
Large Funds
Large Sum
Latin America Invest
LB Fund
Legend Profit
Legit Investors
LH Fund Riser
Liberty King
Liberty Pursuit
Liberty Reserve Market
Libertyreserve World Invest
Limay Trade Ltd
Lite Invest Group
Live Profit
Locus Trade Ltd
Logic Profit
LR - Freedom
LR PM Bank
LR Rocks
Luc Investment
Lyra Finance
Macro Trader Investment Group
Magda Group Finance
Major - Gain
Major Barter
Make 2x Money
Market Chance
Market Ltd
Maro Maro
Marvel Partners
Matthew Funds
Max - Invest
Maximal Profit
Maya Fund
Mega Business Corporation
Mesirow Finance
Metal Forex
Micardo Invest
Micro Forex
Millennium Invest
Minitaryfunds Ltd
Money - Creation
Money - Turbo
Money Road
Moon Fund
Mutual Investment Ltd
Nasdaq Funds
NDCA Traders Fund
Neo Trust Bank
Net Earn
New Generation Hyip
New Hyip Club
New York Investment Group
Nikkei Invest
NoLimiTrade Inc
Nordic Mutual Funds
Nordic Project
Nortego Finance Inc
Nove Fund
Oak Cash
Offshore Forex
Offshore Inv
Offshore Stock Trades
OilSiGo Club
Omega Profit
One Day Inv
One Group Funds
One Hyips
Online Inv
Online Invest Inc
Open Deposit
Oppenheimer Funds
Opulent Club
ORYB Funds
Other - Profit
Pangaea Invest
Pay 4 Shop
Pay By Profit
Paying Funds
Perfect Business Solutions
Perfect Capital
Permanent Club
Persona - Finance
PFT Finance
Phoenix Investment
Pioneer Invest
Pirex Fund
Plus Inv
Po Earn Co
Poli Fund
Pool Today
Precise Gain
Principal Return
Private Forex Investment
Private Investment Club
Private Stock Holding
Professional Investment Traders
Profit - Bomber
Profit - Capital
Profit - Ex
Profit King
Profit Roi
Profit Show
Profit Wallet
Promethian Fund
Prosperous 2009
Q - Profit
Quality Investments Ltd
Quick Home Cash
Quick Yield
Quickly Trade
Real Casher Investment
Real Forex Invest
Real Forex Project
Real Forexer
Realist Inv
Reality Instant
Really Paying
RealPaying - Forex
Reasonable Pro
Reasonable Profit
Regal Profit
Relax Treasure
Reliable Funds
Reliable Investment
Reliable Investment Rich Deposits
Reliable Offshore Club
Renoir View
Residual Forex Income
Rest Trade
Rich Heaven
Rich Invest
Rigid Pay
Robus Trade Inc
Rock Income
Rol Forex
Romania Capital
Roxi Trade
Royal - Community
Royal Inv
Royal Investment
RPV Property Corporation
RXN Investments
Safe - Company Ltd
Safe And Max
Safe Earning
Safe Profit
Saudi Money Inc
Saving Funds Ltd
Scotfund Inc
Seamless Profitable
SEC Global Fund
Secure Forex Invest
Security Profit
Set Invest
ShaMo Trade
SI-Fund Inc
Silverfox Corp
Simons Capital
Sincere Bank
SiS Money
Skill Investment
Snap Share
Solid Field
Solid Finance
Solid Invest Group
Solid Market Pay
Solidar Investment
Sonex Money Club
Soverign Stock Invest
Speedy Return
Spring Invest
Spring Profit
Stable Barter
Stable Barter
Stable Cash
Stable Credits
Stable Future
Stable Profit
Stable Roi
Stan Capital
Steady Growth Invest
Stimul Cash
Stock Inv
Stock Maker
Store Contract Llc
Stour Gain
Sun Capital
Sunix Trade Inc
Super Earn Plans
Sure Trader
Technical Inv
Ten Traders
The Best Online Invest
The Capital Club
The Capital Eye
The First Cash
The Fivetown
The Forex East
The Pure Capitalink
The Stoic
The Winter Profit
Till Fund
Time Investment
To Bux
Top Commerce
Top Earning
Top Forex Company
Top Forex Fund
Top Forex Team Inc
Top Money Invest
Top Returns
Trade Center Club
Trade Interest Team
Trade Station
Trade Time
Trader 2009
Trader Gates
Traders Capital Inc
Traders Group
Transparent Hyip
Treasure Capital
Treasure Troop
Trust - Forex
Trust Instantly
Trusted - Invest
Trusted Funds
Trusty Fund
Tule Brothers
UK Atm Bank
UK Gold Street
UK Trade Ltd
Uncle Dollar
Unicapital - International
Unicapital - International
Union Funds
Union Investment Office
Unique Investment
Unit FX
Unitex Trust
Universal Fund
Uruguay Saint Vincent Investment
US Trade Inv
USD - Investment
USD Earn
Ustrade Ltd
Vanguard Fund
Vault Forex
VegaMex Ltd
Venture Invest
Vertex Capital Group
Vesco Company
VIP - Invest - Team
Vision Infotech Pvt Ltd
Vitamin M Club
VTC Invest
Wall Street Investments
Way For Profit
Wealth Finance
Wealth Gen Club
Web My Cash
Weekly Profit
White Feather Fast Track
Widsom Invest
Wired Money
Woic Fund
Woic Fund
Wonderful Seven
Work For You
Working - LR
World Finance Corporation Group
World Forex Group
Worldwide Investment Co
WTA Investments
Xmas Invest Inc
Yellow Forex
Yen Stock Inc
Yourtrade - Online
Zayd Market
Zed Profit
Zijfunds Ltd


Dear Fellowers,

We've got a New Company in our Basket ...a warm welcome to Flamanta !

As usual,we like to go straight to the point..

They offer 4 Trading Plans :

1.72% Daily, min $ 10 , period 150 days(no principal back)

1.78% Daily, min $ 600 , period 150 days(no principal back)

1.84% Daily, min $ 18000 , period 160 days(no principal back)

1.92% Daily, min $ 5600, period 180 days(no principal back)

And they accept 2 Payment Processors : LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney

We believe Flamanta will be the next big thing in the HYIP world capable of running for a long time.

That’s why we added this program to HBmonitor Premium TopChart and we hope it will be up to our high expectations.

Welcome to investment service of Flamanta! Try High - frequency trading

..some details from their Website:

Flamanta Company is the first investment company offering High Frequency Trading services over the Internet.

Customers of Flamanta Company or its visitors may be interested to know that the company’s history began not with the purchase of domain and not with the construction of the site that would enable to receive funds from the Internet users.
The idea to create a virtual platform was another stage in the evolution of the business run by two traders, Frank Trump and Lewis Rooney, who faced the global financial crisis in autumn 2008.
On September 15, 2009 after the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers Frank, the trader who worked in a large New York investment company, came to conclusion that stock trading would never be the same.
It was necessary not just to design new revenue tools, but rather to look at the technology itself from a different angle. In the beginning of winter that year Frank met a successful programmer and analyst in the sphere of trading technologies, who had ties with Getco Company, a leader in the field of High Frequency Trading (HFT).

The acquaintance resulted in the creation of the company engaged in HFT technologies.
It was decided to rent several small offices and equip them with server hardware for HFT.
Frank and Lewis wanted to open an office on West Street in New York, but their plans were not implemented.
In view of this fact and the absence of big turnover and the ongoing global economic crisis, their business generated monthly revenue of about $200,000.
This amount turned to be rather small in view of big rent and labor costs.

Today it becomes clear that the decision to refuse from the office located in the heart of New York City’s downtown was right.
This situation made Mr. Trump and Mr. Rooney think differently, it made them look at the financial world with the eyes of the 21st century, not the 20th century.
In the 21st century the most valuable thing in business is time. So the one who gets quotes faster than others can conclude thousands of buy/sell stock deals per second and that’s the market leader...

Bull Invest

A warm welcome to BullInvest, a totally brand new Company just added to HBM Premium TopChart.

Some details about Company's Portfolio :

$10.00 - $999.00 1.30% - 1.70% Daily - 130 Days

$3,000.00 - $5,999.00 1.90% Daily - 150 Days

$6,000.00 - $9,999.00 2.10% Daily - 180 Days

$10,000.00 - $100,000.00 2.40% Daily - 180 Days

$1,000.00 - $2,999.00 1.71% - 1.89% Daily - 150 Days

Min. Spend $10, principal amount is returned at the end of the Period.

Payment Processors :

LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney

...and more details from their Website:

The Bull Investment Firm was started back in 2000 originally as a company focused solely on capital and asset management.
Through the years we have grown into one of the largest offshore asset management firms with over 500 Million dollars in assets and over 1000 clients in 90 countries. Diversification is our main focus with all funds being divided into low, medium and high risk categories.

We divide all funds among Gold, Stocks and The Forex or Foreign Exchange market to ensure the utmost safety and profitability.
We understand that the key to our success is to nurture and grow relationships to ensure that all clients large and small are treated with the respect and the personalized attention that their portfolio requires.
We welcome all clients whether from individuals, corporations or other brokerage firms

With over a decade of experience in the asset management field we are confident in our ability to obtain above average returns with little to no risk to our clients.
Our business model has proven itself through the toughest of economic times and has always emerged profitable.

Why invest with The Bull Investment Firm?

Our team's extensive resources and significant expertise allow The Bull Investment Firm to provide above-average returns to all of our clients.
We are experts in market analysis and can effectively predict profitable situations prior to their execution.
Depending upon the level of investment, we can offer our members fixed or variable investment terms.

StrictPay issue

StrictPay Customers

We have spent numerous months trying to battle this situation with the banks and authorities that are holding the majority of our funds, as well as trying to keep StrictPay in business by making the changes outlined in the email update sent on 5-29-10. The problem now is that we are not making any progress on the situation with those two entities, and we have received more news from our legal team. They feel that with the latest developments with the frozen funds, that we are very likely looking at this issue not being resolved for at least 12 months as a best case scenario, and possibly up to 24 months as a worst case scenario. We still cannot speak of any specifics, other than to say (as we stated earlier) that two of the major merchants that accepted StrictPay as a payment option were being heavily investigated by the authorities, and we were pulled into that investigation as well due to them accepting us as a payment option, and even more so because all three of us had accounts with the same bank. Due to the frequency and volume of their requests, one of them found out which bank we were using and specifically got an account at that same bank in order to get funds transfers more quickly, as well as to save them some bank fees. Only a select few customers knew the location of our main bank containing the majority of our funds, and that will never happen again. This is also why we have always sent and received funds from banks other than the ones that hold the majority of our funds. We know it is frustrating for everyone, but we need to do what is right for our company, and that means that we cannot give any other detail on this legal matter. We want to stress again that there is not an issue with StrictPay being involved with these two merchants, but it is almost as simple as us having the majority of our funds in the wrong bank at the wrong time.

It is important to note that we had a similar situation happen to us quite some time ago with Stanford Bank, and we recovered from that without any issues that involved our customers or the time we took to process transactions for you all. As a matter of fact, we still have not had a single penny returned to us from that situation, but we kept being able to serve our customers none the less. It is also important to note that our owners have recently added just over $100,000 of their own funds to help us try to continue to process as many of the withdraw requests as we could these last few weeks. They did this even though we have not had much support since the original update was sent on 5-29-10, and the situation looked like it was going to get worse. We understand that we are very behind on many withdraw requests, but we have used this entire 100k with virtually nobody reporting to the various outlets that we have indeed paid them. 70k of this money was used for processing bank wire withdraw requests, including some to exchanger services in hopes that they would continue to work with us, 20k was used to process debit card withdraw requests, and 10k was used to process check by mail withdraw requests. We have not gotten very many deposits, and we have even held off on processing ACH deposit requests until now when we received a better update concerning the situation. We would hope this shows that we are not just trying to get new funds so we can run, as seems to be one of the widely reported rumors circulating. That being said, we will need new funds to support us in the future, as we will outline below, but this is not in order to accumulate funds for ourselves, but rather to help all of our customers recover their own funds more quickly.

With this latest news of the possible best and worst case time frames it is likely to take to resolve this issue, we are only left with two choices to keep StrictPay in business. Those two choices are:

1. We put StrictPay on hold until this issue with the frozen funds gets resolved. This is going to take somewhere between 12 and 24 months to resolve, and during that time our customers would not be able to get any of their funds out of their accounts. This would mean that there is essentially no more StrictPay activity until this situation is resolved, and we feel that this option does not help anyone in the short term.

2. We keep StrictPay in business and activity continues, including the customer support, transaction processing times, etc. that you all have commended us on in the past before this current situation caused us to fall behind. We do this by creating one sub account for every current StrictPay account, and start each sub account with a zero balance. We allow all current accounts to work as they are now, and all people that make deposits, or receive funds transfers, from this new sub account to another new sub account, will have their funds go only into their new sub account. Each customer's older accounts with their current balances can still be used to send and receive funds if they wish, but the balances on those old accounts cannot be used to withdraw funds. We think this is very important as it allows customers and merchants to use these accounts freely again, and you will eventually get these funds moved to the sub account that can be withdrawn out as we will explain below. We have been told that many merchants are not taking StrictPay because they feel they are stuck with "dead funds", but with the system we will explain below this will not be the case. The new system is a great way to build and work with your current account, and over time those funds will get moved to your new sub account that can have funds withdrawn from it.

To continue with number two above, here is how the new system will be implemented. Any withdraw request from a current account will be refunded back into that account. New customer sub accounts will be the same StrictPay account number but older current accounts will be the same account number with a "-1" after them. This way customers and merchants alike will know exactly what customer account sent the funds (either a sub account which can have withdraws, or the older StrictPay accounts with a "-1" that cannot have withdraws). New sub accounts will only be able to send and receive funds to/from other sub accounts, and older accounts will only be able to send and receive funds to/from other older accounts with the "-1". With this new system in place, if customers begin to use our services again as they have done for well over 2 years, we will then start to take no less than 0.75% of the 2% Send Funds fee every few weeks and credit that amount to the sub accounts of every customer. This same credited amount will also be taken out of the older account, and thus customers will be able to again begin to gradually see their funds move from the older accounts that do not allow withdraws, to the newer sub accounts that will allow withdraw requests.

We obviously feel that number two is the better of the two choices. Now it is very important to realize that this will only work if people use our services like they did before. We would hope that will be an easy choice for people to do, as this will help everyone eventually receive all their funds, as well as the fact that our superior customer service was what made us as big as we are now. StrictPay in fact started many of the trends you see in the payment processor industry today, such as the live chat support option, and shorter stated customer service reply time frames that were actually met. We have always been proud of the fact that we were heralded as having the best customer service in the industry, and this will continue after these new changes are implemented. We are sure that some will say they would not use us again, even with the implementation of these new changes, and to those people we would ask "Why?" Before this happened, StrictPay was a top option for many customers and merchants, and if we truly wanted to just fold up shop and disappear without trying to help our customers, we would have done so before dumping over 100k of our own money into trying to keep this afloat. We also will continue to use what is universally considered the best DDOS protection company, one that is not even connected to this industry, and we would not continue to pay for this service if we wanted to just close up shop.

Implementing these changes also allows us to offer better withdraw limits for our customers. We will still leave the "real time" withdraw request time frames in place so you can see how long requests are currently taking to process, but keep in mind that it will take the first few days of withdraw requests being entered into the system to really become accurate. Here are the new withdraw request maximum limits:

Wire withdraws: $100 minimum and $7,500 maximum
Debit card withdraws: $10 minimum and $1,000 maximum
Check by mail withdraws (available to U.S. customers only): $10 minimum and $2,000 maximum

Please keep in mind that we still have the following options available for depositing funds, and all options will be "no fee" options until further notice: ACH (for U.S. customers only), bank wire, and personal check, money order, or cashier check by mail.

StrictPay continuing to do business should also be welcome news to one of the bigger merchants (and their customers) that were using our services until they had to put things on hold for sometime. There is word that they are about to begin processing refunds to their customers, and once they make a deposit into their new sub account, they will then be able to start refunding StrictPay customers as well. This in turn will provide us with fees from the transfers that we will use to help to move funds from the old StrictPay accounts to the newer sub accounts that you can withdraw from.

The bottom line is this: If people use our services by depositing funds into their new sub accounts (which can also be withdrawn from at any time), and use us as one of their main payment processor options again as they always have, then we will recover from this. Eventually then ALL customers will get their full balances moved to their new sub account over time, and things will be back to normal more quickly than if everyone had to wait up to 24 months in hopes that we recover all of our funds. Lawyer fees will not allow us to get the entire amount back, but we do not foresee anything else cutting into that recovery amount. We all have a lot to lose if people choose not to continue to use StrictPay as a payment option, but we can all only gain if everyone uses StrictPay as they always have in the past.

We would like to leave you with this one last question: What do you have to lose by using StrictPay again, knowing that we have always been there in the past for our customers without issue? If you still have a need for an online payment processor, then why not choose to use StrictPay as you always have.

As always, we appreciate you choosing StrictPay as a payment option, and we shall see over the next few months if everyone will actually help us get back to a sense of normalcy using this new system.

Thank you
Team StrictPay

Very Important Update from StrictPay

StrictPay Update 5-29-10

StrictPay Customers

We want to share more details concerning our current banking situation, and some changes that are going to be occurring due to that situation. It appears that the authorities and the bank have not come to a complete understanding as we thought they did previously. The bank is still holding onto our funds, and they are no longer giving us any concrete time frame for when we can expect them to be released. We have some funds in other bank accounts, but the majority of the funds are in the bank that is currently not allowing us access to our funds, and it appears that the situation may not be completely resolved in the near future. We understand that many of our customers have questions concerning this situation, but for the integrity of the investigation, and for obvious legal reasons, we cannot go into any details at this time. We believe that one day we will be able to speak about the whole situation, but until that time we just cannot.

It is imperative that our customers understand that it is not StrictPay that is under investigation, but instead it is our one major bank account that has the funds frozen at this time. As we stated earlier we have some funds in other banks, and this coupled with the new deposit and withdraw options we have available has allowed us to continue processing some withdraw requests for the last couple of months while we have dealt with this issue. We understand though that these withdraw requests are obviously not happening at a pace that is convenient for anyone. Due to these struggles, we have discussed many scenarios for keeping StrictPay operating. As we have always wished this to be a long-term payment option for our customers, we must make decisions that insure that we will still be in business for many years into the future. We have decided that the best options for long-term company success are as follows:

1. Cancel all pending withdraw requests, and all funds go back into customers' StrictPay account balances
2. New withdraw limits for each different withdraw option we offer
3. Remove the current time frames for withdraw requests
4. Introduce the new average time frame tracking option

There are new withdraw limits in place for each different option we offer, and you can view these limits by clicking on the Withdraw link and choosing each option. You will also notice that on each page we have replaced the expected time frames with the current average time frame for that option of withdraw. We cannot know if the time frames on withdraws are going to be days, weeks, or months, but at least we wanted to give our customers the option of monitoring the time frames as they gradually trend towards improvement. Our funding department will then continue processing withdraw requests in the order they are received as funds become available to us, and this also gives all customers the option to use one of the many exchanger services that accepts StrictPay to withdraw their funds if they wish.

We know this solution is not ideal for anyone involved, but it allows us to continue serving our customers for both the short term and long term. These reduced limits allow us to be able to maximize our available funds in order to help us to process requests for a bigger percentage of our customers. Our customers can also count on being able to either use their funds with merchants that accept StrictPay, or to know that they will be able to withdraw their funds eventually. The only other two options we see available at this time would be to temporarily shut down the StrictPay website until this situation is resolved, or to change our entire system so that we only do deposits and withdraws through the use of exchanger services. We feel that these newest changes will at least give our customers more than one option, where as the other two choices we mentioned really do not.

Over the years we have been very flattered by, and thankful for, the level of support that our customers and merchants have shown us. During these next few months the success of StrictPay is going to be inherently tied to this continued support of our customers and merchants. We are aware that there are certain online information sources that have been making claims of us not doing any withdraws for people, as well as spreading other disparaging rumors that are just not true. Our plea to our customers is a simple one: do not buy into the negative thought processes that seem to be prevalent in many online forums, blogs, and message boards. While it is true that our withdraw request time frames are delayed, and a major inconvenience for our customers, the claims that we are not processing any withdraws are simply false. We truly believe that the changes we have implemented, along with the continued support of our customers and merchants, will insure the long term success of StrictPay. We apologize for the inconvenience this is causing, and we ask for your patience and understanding during this transition period.

Thank you
Team StrictPay

Aballong suspended

We've been forced to move Aballong to the WAITING Status due to the numerous complaints about payments and/or refunds not received from our Fellowers.

No reply from the Admin to our Warning messages during the last 24 hours

HYIFund to WAITING Status


No replies from HYIFund Admin,and no explanations about the pending payouts detected all over the Web and reported by our Fellowers.

We've to stop monitoring HYIFund and move it to WAITING Status on HBMonitor TopChart.

HYIFund was ranked since 7-10-2009.

WaterInvestment is gone

Something that came as a huge blow to many of us today was the missing payments from WaterInvestment.

Many of you noticed that the members’ area of WaterInvestment website is currently available to members ,but that no payouts were made in the last 48 hours.

If it had been a technical problem the Admin would have surely updated us about that by now.

This only makes me think that the program is gone

I would like to warn you from depositing into WaterInvestment until we get some news from the Admin as you still can do it from the main page.

I’m terribly sorry for those who lost money as I genuinely believed in the Admin’s good intentions up until yesterday.

It's a bit funny to see that our HBMonitor Button has been removed from their RATINGS page.

OneDailyPro activities suspended

Dear valued clients,

The project has officially closed today. We don't want speak too much about the reasons. We don't want to cheat new investors by accepting new deposits. New registrations has been suspended. Accepting of new deposits has been suspended. It seems that problems with several giant projects has affected the project too. We see the large wave of principals withdrawals every day. Due to this can't continue stable work. We'd like to thank all clients for their support and trust.

We are working under refund rules to minimize your possible looses. Please, be patient.

Best regards, Staff

Aballong Website temporary unavailable

Dear HBMonitor,

We were having some connection errors yesterday, and I want to apologize if you have had problems to access and request your earnings, the site is fully functioning again, and the host aware us on a maintenance going on until Tuesday.

During this time, it can come to slow connections, if you have trouble accession our page just wait a few minutes and try again. At the moment, all works fine and very fast, but if it is slow for a while you know now the reason.

Martin and I got many support requests because of the really long time of downtime yesterday.
As I explained it is a maintenance on hushhosting, you read about on there website.
Martin and I extend the time of accepting investments until Thursday Midnight GMT to give everyone the change to be a full upgraded member.

We will surely close and delete every empty account at this time, so please do not send us moire request to give more time, there is a 4-day gap, and we believe within 4 days everyone can upgrade in time.

Regards Alrea

Aballong Interview

Hi Admin, for the benefit of our Readers could you please introduce yourself and tell us exactly what it is you do in Aballong?

Hello to, all your readers, my name is Alrea and I am the wife of the actual man who makes the arbitration, my husband Martin.
I am here for public relations, support and of course deal with the payments daily.

We know there are more people involved in the running of Aballong.
Could you please introduce us to the entire Aballong Team and tell us what exactly they do in the group?

As I mention I handle the public relations, my husband Martin does the arbitration, so we are just a family based investment, but we are doing our best to make sure you get your payments always on time.

Surebets Programs are damnly hot now.. What about your own personal experience in running this kind of business ?
How long has Aballong now been in operation?

We are operating a little more than 2 months, and I believe we are the only arbitration based program what actually shows you how we make your money.
In the Member Area, you can see our bets before we place them.

How confident are you with your site security level?
Are you on a dedicated server and how protected are you from DdoS attacks?
Tell us also about the script and any other security features.

Aballong is hosted on a dedicated server of hushhosting, what is one of the best ddos protectors in the hyip industry.
We are confined, we do have here the right partner.
They also installed the script.
What is a modified neversay script, with many additional features like the variable payment plan, etc.

Also, as you have one of the most unique Program I can remember,could you also please explain in detail what it is that Aballong does as a business?
If I join with let’s say $1000, what do you do with that ?

Aballong is pretty open how we make our money, we place your money via arbitration in a few different bookies, you can see the bet's always in your member area.
You will se the complete return we do make on a day, and we deduct 15% as our payment.
This way we are getting also paid and are not like most hyips backed on hot air and promise.

As you might see an example on our site:

Aballongs income distribution plan is simple..
100% of the ROI- the bet profit (will be fully reflecting on your account)!

During the withdrawal request, you receive 85% - 5% (administration fee) - 10% ( for expenses,commissions, transfer fees, exchange fees, etc.)

For instance (a simplified example):

You invest $1000.
We place bets with two bookmakers, on arbs returning a profit of 2.22%.
The income after the game comes to $22.2.

A sum of $18.87 is immediately added to your account.
I receive $1.11 for generate the profit to you.
$2.22 is allocated for expenses!

How much can your members make from their investment and do they get paid daily, weekly or monthly?
What are the minimum and maximum
amounts to invest?

The returns are around 20-30% a month for a full year, with daily earnings (based on the daily return) and daily payments.

What type of payment processors do you accept and do you plan to accept more payment processors in the future?
Are payouts automatic
or do I need to request them?

Payments are most supported, we accept Alertpay (incl Visa, master and Amax payments), Solidtrustpay, Strictpay, LibertyReserve,PerfectMoney and we also accept Bank deposits. Payments are daily to your account balance, you need only to request (or reinvest it) and we pay you within 24 hours.

What about Company’s commission for early withdrawal?

We do not charge for an early withdrawal, but you need to cancel the investment 30 days in advanced, since your money is in our bookies in rotation.

Do you offer any referral commission and can members open more than 1 account?

Everyone is allowed only one account, and we pay 4% for the people in you refer.

What kind of Customer service and Support do you offer to investors?

We do offer Email support, we were having a kayako ticket system,but we found it easier to answer emails as they come from our cell phone, so the answers are quicker, and we do not have all at once.

Do you have a physical office/address for your Company or do you operate from home?
What advertising strategy are you using?

We are working from home, as it is not recommended to make arbitrations with only one account, we need to have a few, so we cannot just do this with one company account, the bookies would freeze our account.
Therefore I can also not make our full address available on the site.
We do have a small but good advertisement campaign, actually our best referral supporters invested their money themselves, therefore we have real money invested and to just many monitoring services we need to look after.
The best advertisement a program can get is from happy investors telling other potential investors.

If you had just one thing to say to potential members to convince them to give you their money, what would it be?

I would just say, look at our site, compare other sites with us, we are the only one showing how we make you your money.

Forgetting about Aballong for a second, what is your opinion of the online investment industry in general?
What do you think about latest
BIG Scams?

I am not an investor of the hyip industry, and honestly I do not follow these scams, we do make arbitration, and follow somehow into this hyip world, we were not planing on this, and honestly I can't say to much about there disappearance, the only one I can say is they just not invested your money, if they would, they would not be gone.

I want also to say thank you to give us this opportunity, you have a good Blog.
Thank you :-)

Aballong Interview by HBMonitor

GoldNuggetInvest Newsletter April 3rd. 2010

Greetings to all GNI Friends:

This newsletter will address the following:

1. Status of Refund Requests

2. The New Program

3. Easter

Status of Refund Applications:

At the time of this writing we are at a bit over 500 Refund Applications completed. I spoke with Todd who advised me we are able to process up to 100 per day, but Debbie and he are receiving upwards of 80 emails PER DAY requesting status of their particular refund.

To provide the status of any given ticket takes, in terms of total time spent, the amount of time it takes to process two refund applications. This means they could, at this point be over 1100 applications processed.

I urge all Applicants to PLEASE refrain from sending these emails. They are compelled to answer the emails before working the refund applications. Further, nobody receives refunds sooner because their Application was submitted and processed before the next person. As they near the end of the process, they will put out a call to members with a date through which refund applications have (had) been processed. Nobody needs to be concerned.

The New Program:

We have completed a Narrative detailing our new project. It is our intention to keep this program and process absolutely private.

Those of you who are interested need to submit a ticket at this link:

Our new project will require a minimum deposit amount of $1,000.00, and in shares / blocks of $1,000.00. In this ticket we need your current GNI Username and the
approximate amount of "shares" (blocks of $1,000.00) you expect to purchase. Keep in mind, there will be no 'TEST SPENDS' permitted.

This is a very serious program and will require extensive effort on our end, please keep this in mind when making decisions.

Easter Greetings:

At this time, we would like to take a moment to wish all a very happy Easter. Take a moment to reflect on all the good that you have going on in your life. We know many of you are struggling. This hasn't gone by us unnoticed or unscathed. We are confident the second half of 2010 will only be better for us all.

Thank You all Once Again,
Robert and the Reduced in Size, GNI TEAM

ArcherTradingLtd game over

Something that came as a huge blow to many of us today was the missing payments from ArcherTradingLtd.
Many of you noticed that the members’ area of Archer website is currently available to members ,but that no payouts were made yesterday.
If it had been a technical problem the admin would have surely updated us about that by now. This only makes me think that the program is gone.
I would like to warn you from depositing into Archer until we get some news from the admin as you still can do it from the main page.
To say that I’m disappointed with this outcome would not be an understatement.
Archer was really very fast with all the support requests and queries which definitely attracted many members to the program.
In addition the site’s design and script was good and so I don’t see the reason why she had to stop this successful program.
Archer has been running for more than 9 weeks so only those who joined in the very beginning should be in profit by now.
I’m terribly sorry for those who lost money as I genuinely believed in the admin’s good intentions up until yesterday.

GNI last update

Topics to be Addressed:

1. Refund Status and Tentative Repayment Date

2. Refunds for the Deposit Repurchase Program

3. The "New" GNI

4. Smear Campaign


Greetings to all GNI Friends:

1. Refund Status and Tentative Repayment Date

We have received quite a few applications for refunds; over 1700 to date and this campaign has just begun. This is a HUGE effort requiring a very specific skill set, fair review of all applications and most of all consistency from one Refund Application to the next. Therefore Todd and Debbie will be those GNI people working diligently to get these done in a fashion described above.

To ensure fairness amongst all of our customers, an appropriate amount of time to procure the necessary funds and to take some of the pressure off of these two, I have decided that all claimants will be paid their due refund within a very few days. This should take place between May 15th and June 15th; perhaps sooner, depends on how quickly they are able to process these refunds.

This is not to avoid paying owed refunds, it is to ensure fairness to those who are owed funds, it is to ensure we have adequate time to obtain the funds while subscribing to the notion of fairness to our traders and bookies. We ARE NOT going to RUN!!!

During this process, I have asked Todd to provide to me a weekly status report which will be in my in-box on Monday morning (GMT). In this report will be:

A. The number of Refund Requests Made to Date (number of Tickets)
B. The number of Refund Requests Completed and Ready for Payment (within + or - 10% of claimants expected amount)
C, The number of Refund Requests Completed but not Ready for Payment (outside of the 10% parameters)
D. The number of New Refund Requests not previously received from the week before
E. Anything else worthy of reporting

If it appears that our self-imposed deadline will be missed, appropriate action will be taken in a timely manner to reduce the probability of any delays.

PLEASE NOTE: Refunds requests need to be posted in a support ticket at ONLY. Refund requests send to ANY of the know email addresses can not be honored and will be deleted upon receiving.

2. Refunds for the Deposit Repurchase Program

Refunds for those who submitted funds for the purchase of other member's deposits will be refunded by weeks end. If you have not received your refund by Friday afternoon close of business (COB - GMT), please send me an email ( Please be very specific when making this request; should include ALL transaction information, the deposit information of the GNI User which you were preparing to purchase and any other relevant information you feel will help facilitate my issuing of your refund. Your assistance helping me with this It would really be appreciated.

3. The 'New' GNI

I am continuing putting together the New GNI, while remaining cognizant of the refund program. As you know, we cannot combine the two programs. We must, however, keep our traders busy or we jeopardize giving up their unused capacity to other Arbitrage Programs. More on this shortly.

4. Cyber-Smear Campaign

It has come to my attention that a comprehensive smear campaign has been launched against GNI, targeting Todd for he chose not to disguise his personal details. Much of the past 11 years of his on-line history is now an open book. Needless to say, none of it is presented in a positive fashion. He is receiving a constant barrage of life-threatening, evil, disgusting emails involving bodily functions and other horrendous acts.

These threats have resulted from the current state of affairs of GNI.

I am here to support and affirm some very important facts, concerning Todd and his role in GNI.

First, was Todd a member? Yes, of course he was; one of our very first. Several months ago, before our troubles, he sold his membership back to the company for a bit less than 33cents on the dollar.

The reason for this was to avoid any potential for a conflict of interest. He could not, nor could I rely on his objectivity so long as he had funds in the program

Second, did Todd receive referral commissions? Yes, for certain, until the end of Spring last year. He also offered to split the commission with his down-line, 1/2 back to the purchaser, the other to charity (on the larger amounts). None of which he was asked to do nor am I aware of any other offers made by any of our up-line referrers.

In the beginning of summer his referral base was starting to grow. It was obvious, many subscribed under him hoping to receive preferential treatment, which is not an unreasonable expectation, but not in the best interest of the program nor the non-referral customer base. Todd asked, and received my authority to split his commission amongst the staff members of GNI. He was permitted to place his user id for new members coming into the program without a sponsor, as the up-line referrer. In a couple instances, the member did not want any sponsor receiving commission. In this case, Todd removed his user ID and the commission restored to the general fund. This was a great motivating tool and cost the members and the principals zero.

In this on-going smear campaign it is alleged Todd has stolen funds from the members for his own benefit.

I am here to proclaim, Todd does not now, nor has he ever had access to GNI Payment Processor accounts (PP), E-Currency, Bank Wire, Bank, Deposit, Receipts or Withdraws of Members, Trader, Principal or anyone's funds other than his own. Even if Todd wanted to, he couldn't gain access to any funds that were not otherwise his and his alone.

Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of far too many of our trusted members who engaged in serious referral abuse or other fraudsters which continue to 'hang around' the GNI site, waiting to steal money, resources and most of all steal the energy out of someone so important to the success of the program.

Todd has been an asset to this program and to all of our member base as well as to me and the principals of GNI.

Those of you intending to hurt Todd, consider yourselves having been successful. Records on the internet become permanent. You have placed him in danger without knowing the facts!

Thank you,

GoldNuggetInvest Newsletter - Refund Requests Clarification - March 15th, 2010

Greetings GNI Customers:

This mini-update will attempt to address some of the current issues and concerns you may have about the refund requests....

I have been working with Debbie to try to set this up properly over the last few days and now think its getting close to being correct.

1. The link that was specified in the previous newsletter to access the Ticket System for Refunds was incorrect. The correct link is....

Be sure to include all the characters

2. If you have not cut and paste a fully completed Application for Refund, one will be provided to you when you receive an automated (system generated) response to your initial opening request. If you have already completed, by means of Cut & Paste, a Refund Request Form, please edit out the form contained within the ticket.

Included in this response which is forwarded to your email will be your new ticket number. This ticket number stays with you throughout the duration of your claim.

3. Be clear with all your responses. The clearer you are the faster this will go.

4. These refunds have to be confirmed, verified and then approved. This is a tedious, brain-draining process so please have some patience.

5. The first several hundred (somewhere between seven hundred and eight hundred) refund requests, due to a programming glitch, did not send, in the automated response, your ticket number. Do not be concerned, we received it, and a number was assigned to it....Please do not send a follow up ticket asking what your ticket number is. If you need to add additional supporting information, go to the forum and send a PM to GNIChyk who will ask your name and other confidential information you supplied in the refund application. She will then give you your ticket number.

6. If you do not understand some aspect of the process, go to the forum where it is discussed in detail FIRST. If the issue you ask is easily and readily available on the forum and it is clear you have not attempted to find this information out for yourself....there will be no choice but to return your ticket....This is out of consideration for your fellow member. If it's not clear or if several members seem to be having a similar issue, a mini-newsletter will be forwarded to the community, such as this.

Thank you for your support....

GoldNuggetInvest Newsletter March 12th. 2010

Greetings to the GNI Community:

Topics to be Addressed in this Newsletter

1. Robert and the GNI Response(s) to the Forum Community

2. Timelines for the Liquidation of GNI

3. New Dedicated Refund Support System.

4. Request for Refund Form and Guidelines

5. What will the Future Hold for GNI

1. Response(s) to Comments Made in the Forum

Consistent with our announcement earlier this week, GNI has closed its operations and a call to our traders has been made advising them to send forward the funds required to ensure our members who are not in profit, will be made whole.

I have taken some time to go through the forum to not only read, but digest some of your comments made to me, at me or about me (and the GNI Team).

Some of what was written, given the level of effort, work, time and resources; taken from me, my family and my life, with the often stated intent to help those people try to have a better life, has been EXTREMELY difficult to endure.

I have been called a liar, cheater, thief and many, many other fine names because the program cannot sustain itself in its current state.

Our restructuring came too little, too late. The reason for this was simple. I wanted, to overcome the adversity without having to modify the program. We were led to believe the funds which were frozen, would be released. Had they at any time up until the end of December, we wouldn't be having this discussion now.

I gave all of you, EVERY SINGLE member in this project, 100% of my best effort. It wasn't enough; and because it wasn't, we are considered by many of you, who have made thousands, tens of thousands of dollars; to be disingenuous, evil, liars, and whatever else you feel like lobbing at me.

Instead of counting your blessings and your good fortune, you have become spiteful.

I would appreciate for a moment if we could reflect on something that has been the motivating factor that drove GNI to its one-time pre-eminence of the on-line investing community. What I am referring to was the call to arms we made during the Holiday Season.

Since early fall, we made very clear the need for the GNI Family to share some of their good fortune with two charities selected on the basis of need and impact we could make as a cohesive group. In December, when it was time, we made it easy for all to participate. It was our opportunity to proclaim our concern, not just for financial gain but to help those who were unable to help themselves, orphaned children in Africa, or those stricken with AIDS.

The total turnout, 4.5% !!!

For those of you who struggle with math, it means, despite our requests for your help, 5 out of 100 GNI participants stepped up to help others. Ninety-five out of one hundred (95 out of 100), did NOT. Some had your own causes that you supported, but the majority of you DID NOT.

Given these statistics, I am compelled to ask those of you who feel I am less than honest, have you taken a moment to look at yourself? When I asked for your help, not for myself, but to help keep children from starving to death, where were you? What have you done for your fellow man?

2. Time-Frame for the Liquidation of

To conclude GNI in a manner that is both timely, but will allow for those members who are out of contact, or otherwise unable to establish communications with any GNI associate, Applications for Refunds will be accepted until May 15th, 2010. We'll start accepting applications as from Monday, March 15th, 08:00 GMT. Before that date and time the given link for the refund support desk will be disabled.

We believe we can reconcile and refund the bulk of the undisputed refund requests within thirty days after the May 15th, 2010 deadline. Much will depend on the GNI member to properly complete the refund application in an organized and honorable fashion. Let it be known, any member who tries to obtain funds in a manner that is fraudulent, will have his or her refund placed at the end of the stack and will be gone through when all else is completed. An evaluation will be conducted and a decision to return any funds will be made at that time.

It is our intent to refund all of those customers entitled to receive one. Please DO NOT jeopardize our obligation and your right to receive funds you are entitled to.

3. New Support Desk Dedicated to Refunds Only

To better stream-line communications between the membership (who is entitled to a refund) and GNI, a new Support System will be installed on the same server which hosts the Forum.

(VERY IMPORTANT). Unlike the previous support desk, each member will have one ticket ONLY which will support their Claim for Refund throughout the process. This support system is for REFUNDS ONLY. It is not to be used to express an opinion whether you like or dislike the program, staff, the various PPs or anything other than your refund. The help desk will have the capability to transfer information including your Request for Refund which is contained at the end of this Newsletter, to and from the appropriate staff assisting you with the refund. Any extraneous comments, requests or admonishments will be discarded without comment.

You can find the Refund Support Desk at:


4. Request For Refund Claim Form

Following this Newsletter you will find the Application for Refund of Principal from GNI. Please complete this form as follows:

1. GNI Username/acct # This is to be filled out by GNI User (Claimant)

2. Date GNI member joined the program: This is to be filled out by GNI User (Claimant)

3. Total Amount Expected from Refund: Claimant is to total all PP transfer of funds made into GNI. From this total, subtract the total amount of PP transfer made from GNI to User's PP account. If the difference is a positive number, enter it here. If the amount received back from GNI exceeds the amount transferred to GNI, you do not have a valid claim and no further action is necessary.

4. Requested By: Claimant needs to Place their name in this field.

5. a-c List Refund Payment Processor & Account # in Order of Preference: Self Explanatory

6. a-f Total of ALL Transfers INTO your GNI Account From Each PP / E-Currency Used: Claimant shall total all funds transfers made from each PP and place it here

7. a-f Total of ALL Withdrawals/Cashouts From your GNI Account INTO Each PP Used: Claimant shall total all funds transfers made from GNI back to each PP and place the total here

TOTAL_____________________________ TOTAL____________________
Add 6a - f and put the total here. Add 7a - f and put the total here

(List according to Payment Processor)

1. Payment Processor 2. Date 3. Amount 4. Transaction/Batch ID#

This is self explanatory.

Assuming there are no significant discrepancies, those funds in which there is an agreement will be:

1. Verified

2. Re-checked and confirmed

3. Submitted for payment

If there is a disparity between what claimant thinks is owed and what GNI think is owed, it will not hold up the payment of funds. For example, claimant submits a Request for a Refund totaling $35.00, GNI completes their review but finds that claimant is owed $25.00, not the 35.00 as submitted. GNI would authorize payment on the undisputed 25.00. Upon conclusion of all payouts, GNI would then take a further review, with claimant and attempt to resolve the matter. It is not anticipated there will be any open claims after concluding this liquidation.

5. GNI's Future

It is now often asked, what will become of GNI? At this juncture, all that is important to know is there will be a GNI. It will consist of a group of clients who know honesty when they see it and integrity when they feel it and an opportunity when they smell it. Not often does a situation like this come along. Only serious investors welcome.

Robert and Team


Application Form (Please copy and paste the entire form into your request ticket at http://gniforum/gnirefund):

Application For Refund of Principal from

1. GNI Username/acct #__________________________

2. Date GNI member joined the program______________

3. Total Amount Expected from Refund_______________

4. Requested By_________________________________

5. List in Order of Preference--Payment Processor & Account # to send Refund

A. PP________________________Acct. #______________________

B. PP________________________Acct. #______________________

C. PP________________________Acct. #______________________

6. Total of ALL Transfers INTO your GNI Account 7. Total of ALL Withdrawals/Cashouts From
From Each PP / E-Currency Used your GNI Account INTO Each PP Used

6a. StrictPay______________________ 7a. StrictPay_______________

6b. Solid Trust Pay_________________ 7b. Solid Trust Pay__________

6c. Liberty Reserve_________________ 7c. Liberty Reserve__________

6d. PerfectMoney__________________ 7d. PerfectMoney___________

6e. GDP_________________________ 7e. GDP__________________

6f. Bank Wire______________________ 7f. Other__________________

TOTAL___________________________ TOTAL____________________

(List according to Payment Processor)

1. Payment Processor 2. Date 3. Amount 4. Transaction/Batch ID#

**********************************************GNI USE ONLY******************************************

Amount Expected From Member.....Verified by_______________________________

Amount Expected From Member......Confirmed by_____________________________

Detailed explanation of any discrepancies_________________________________________


If amount requested by GNI Rep is less than the amount expected by claimant, is it OK to pay the undisputed portion immediately?___________________

DATE_______________TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED______________________

DATE____________REFUND AMOUNT____________________

TO: Payment Processor/Acct. #____________________________

StrictPay News

StrictPay Customers

After numerous customer inquiries, we are happy to announce that you can now do bank wire deposits in 8 different currencies.
If you visit the Deposit/Bank Wire page, you will see a drop down menu for the Currency field, and you are now able to choose from the following currencies:

USD - US Dollars
AUD - Australian Dollars
GBP - British Pounds
EUR - Euros
NZD - New Zealand Dollars
JPY - Japanese Yen
SGD - Singapore Dollars
HKD - Hong Kong Dollars

The currency conversion will take place at the time your request is completed, and our funding department adds the funds to your StrictPay account.
Please keep in mind that after you enter the request into the system, you will then be taken to a page with the printable wire instructions for the type of currency you have chosen.
We expect the time frames to remain the same, but there is a slight chance that some of the new currency options may take a day or two longer to process.

As always, we know you have many options to choose from, and we appreciate you choosing StrictPay as your online payment option.

Thank you
Team StrictPay
The Best Payment Solution

GoldNuggetInvest update


In our opinion Robert is a reliable person.
We wish he 'll be back soon with GNI or another -great- Surebet Program



To the Loyal Members of GNI:

It has been brought to my attention that many have become quite concerned of late because of the limited posting and corresponding in which I have engaged. To you, I apologize. I am taking every reasonable step to preserve the integrity of GNI, myself and my team as we face these obstacles which, frankly, are very difficult to overcome.

I wish now to address a couple of the most common and forceful objections you have made against the GNI team. That of course is the "guarantee" that is made on our website with regards to sports arbitrage (trading). Arbitrage trading, is in of itself, foolproof. I stand by this! What is not foolproof is current, past and future market conditions. These include things such as the political environment, natural disasters, current events, global trade and recession, regulatory interference and so forth.

Those who dislike us will never accept us for anything but a PONZI. Got news for them: We're not a PONZI! They say that we will have an end some time soon.... I have very pragmatic news for everyone: At some point in time, there isn't a business venture that will, at some point, end. Whether its this year, next year, one hundred years or a thousand, EVERYTHING has an ending. We just happen to feel ours is not yet there!

Equally so, If I am anything, I am honest; so I have to acknowledge, our backs are against the wall. That which has hurt us the most is:

The freezing of our assets by our bank's (Yesilada) intermediary bank.

This, more than anything, has put us into the situation we are currently struggling to overcome. Market conditions are something we have no control over, could never plan for and are well beyond our control. Indeed, but for this matter in of itself, we would be continuing status quo, and all would be happy.

Many feel i have no compassion because I can't respond to each and every member's concerns or personal struggles. Rest assured, this situation we face is harder on me than all of you combined. While the project has been profitable, of late it has not! The personal assets I have put into GNI are substantial but that is not the point of this response.

I see what the naysayers are posting. I have eyes and I care, not what the neggies say, but what our members say. Those who have supported us through good and bad times. Those who are not in profit, have a special place in my heart! Some may laugh at this, those who know me best will not. They know how important all members are to me, rich or poor, whatever part of the world they may reside.

What is the point of this is? I want all of our members to recognize the level of effort put into the success (and yes, failure(s)) we have experienced over the last few years and that we are not quitting! We ARE struggling, but as much as we struggle, we ARE fighting for our customers, the employees, the principles and for the respect we feel we deserve.

Thank you,
Robert and your GNI Team

News from WaterInvestment

WaterInvestment starts accepting StrictPay

Feb. 26

We are happy to announce that we start accepting Strict Pay as a new payment option. Visit for more information.

HYIFund Website NOT avalaible

Dear Members,

As those who have been reading the forums are aware, we are experiencing a very heavy DDOS attack that has taken our website offline since approximately 2PM PST yesterday. The attack is still ongoing and we are working with our hosting provider, Block Dos, to mitigate the problem and get the site back online.

We are hoping to have the site back online later today, at which point all accounts will be updated, and all withdrawals processed normally. We ask for your patience while we try to resolve this matter.

HYIFund Admin

GoldNuggetInvest Newsletter February 27th. 2010

Topics addressed in this Newsletter :

1. Charitable Giving
2. Introduction of New PP; Global Digital Pay
3. Status of Wire Transfer Capabilities
4. Summary of the New Plan / Description
5. Hardship Withdraws / Random Payments
6. Status of Payments
7. Dissolution / Deposit Repurchase Program (GNIHausfrau Saga Cont'd)
8. Summary

Greetings are Extended To Friends, Family and Associates of GNI:

We hope you all have had an opportunity to successfully withdraw from your cash balance, as payments continue to go out as per our restructuring plan introduced in January, 2010.

Many have expressed interest as to the progress we have made with the recovery of the program, given the severity of the restructure and the reduction in benefits to which all were subjected. The short and most on-point answer is that it is way too soon to tell, given the new plans have not yet kicked into affect. We will however, advise the community at large as progress is made.

1. The first installment of $11,010 was forwarded to the Charitable Organization, US2UGANDA4life on Friday, Feb. 12.

In response, we received the following:

We continue to be amazed by your organization's generosity and willingness to get on board with our vision for Uganda. I can confirm that your transfer was deposited in our account ($10,995 after deduction of $15.00 for international wire handling fee). YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME. As a small token of our appreciation and in an effort to reach out and say thanks to everyone who has participated in this gift our board members signed the attached certificate of appreciation at our most recent meeting. I have saved it as a .JPG file in case you would like to forward to a broader group and please invite everyone to log onto the site and sign up for information we want to keep them up to date and allow them to follow along with the progress at both the Orphanage and the Medical Center.

(We will post the .jpg file at our private forum.)

Again, from the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU ALL!

Please take a moment to visit our website and consider partnering with us in Uganda!

2. We are pleased to announce GNI's expanded capabilities to include a new E-currency / Payment Processor (PP):

Global Digital Pay (GDP)

We are confident in their capabilities to operate in a safe and reliable manner. They are a credible option!

3. Wire Transfer to and from GNI - Despite the script showing a capability, GNI is not currently accepting nor sending wire transfers for or on behalf of any of our customer base.

4. Summary Plan Description - Recap

In January - 2010, market conditions and other extraneous factors necessitated that GNI overhaul the program, thereby ensuring a fundamental return to financial health while providing a very fair return to the customer base responsible for its previous success.

In February - 2010, it was decided, to reward those investors who had been striving to reach the higher payment threshold, to modify the plan. No longer is a member's interest rate determined by any one single deposit, rather by the sum of the collective (total) sum as determined following the date that clients interest is paid or when a new deposit is received.

a. All investment instruments (those funds that enter into trade with GNI on behalf of the customer) are known as 'deposits'.

b. All deposits are made from your E-Wallet (explained below), and must be equal to or exceed 50.00 to qualify as a valid deposit.

c. No member may have, collectively, deposits exceeding $100,000 without specific permission from the program administrator or his designee.

d. Interest payments are made on a 14 times, 30 day cycle which is effected from that time funds are successfully moved from customer's e-wallet into a deposit; weekends and holidays inclusive and are paid into customer's 'cash balance.'

e. Interest is paid into customer's 'cash balance,' from which he or she may withdraw funds back to their designated Payment Processor / E-currency or can re-invest into a new 14 month deposit. Until such time that client has a cumulative total (in deposits) of less than $21,000, he or she will receive 16% per month for the cumulative total until such time that their total is equal to or exceeds $21,000.

g. Once customer's cumulative, total amount of deposits exceeds $21,000, he or she will receive the Premium interest rate of 20% for that period of time that the cumulative total remains above $21,000.

h. Should customer's cumulative total dip below $21,000, he or she's entire balance will revert back to the lesser rate of 16%.

i. Should customer want or need to cancel a cashout to an outside processor; and instead revert these proceeds to their E-wallet (and create a new deposit), he or she may do so by clicking the 'Request Cashout' located on the bottom left side of the menu then scrolling to the bottom of that page to ‘Pending Cashouts’.

There, customer will find those pending cashouts waiting to be released by Admin. Customer may click (check) the box next to those cashout(s) they wish to cancel. Having selected the appropriate cashouts they wish to cancel, a verification box will pop up necessitating user to confirm or cancel the requested action. After selecting the appropriate action, the pending cashout will then revert back to users, wallet, cash balance or remain at the status quo, the withdraw to be released by GNI admin.

j. The term of the deposit (14 months) does not change if or when customers driving interest rate changes. All terms of deposits are 14 months. Return of principal is included in the monthly payments. There will be no return of principal at the conclusion of the 14 month term.

5. Hardship Withdrawals / Random Selection

I would like to take a moment to discuss with all of you, my friends, our current philosophy as it applies to GNI's current situation, our Terms of Service and our customers.

Part of my success in life, but even more so in business, has been my personal commitment to client / customer service. Indeed, without a customer, it matters not how good of a product you may have. The point is mute!

Top quality customer service: It's a benchmark that I have always maintained before speaking with or writing to any customer or potential customer since I can remember. Never before did I think I would make the following statement. The imminent survival of GNI, the return of the program to its previous level of capitalization and assurance this will never happen again, compels me to put the program, within reason, ahead of the individual customer.

When the situation with Yesilada caused our funds to be frozen, never did I think that we would be, here in the ladder part of February, without that critical capital. We have to prepare to go the long haul without these funds. It won't be easy...

We now have a Deposit Repurchase Program in place as will be explained below. No accelerated, early or preferential payments or payouts will be made outside of this program.

6. Status of Payments - As was mentioned on the forum some time back, the possibility that all payments could not be made by months end was very real. This has turned out to be the case. We apologize for the inconvenience; we will nevertheless, continue to work towards getting everyone paid in a timely fashion.

What we can expect is to slip the payment schedule back a bit. This does NOT mean we are running, it does NOT imply we won't meet our obligations, it means we are working and pushing as hard as we can to get everyone their funds as soon as we can. Keep the faith.

7. Deposit Repurchase Program ---- VERY IMPORTANT

To accommodate those who wish to ameliorate themselves from their deposits, GNI is implementing a Principal Deposit Repurchase Program.

This program is targeted to:

1. assist those who failed to observe GNI's ongoing admonition that it is set up to be a second income,

2. help those who, when signing up with GNI, ignored the Terms of Service providing for GNI's contractual right to modify the plan(s) rate of return to ensure the integrity of the plan(s) and the welfare of the members,

3. benefit members who seek an opportunity to further maximize their returns otherwise unavailable but for this program's implementation,

4. enhance GNI's capitalization by raising additional revenue.

Before implementation of this or other similar programs, a general understanding amongst all participants within GNI needs to be adhered to.

a. There is to be No Selling of, or Purchasing of GNI deposits outside of this defined program between members, a members and non-members, two non-members or any third-party persons or entities;

b. Any sale which has been consummated will need to be 'unconsummated' (returned) and renegotiated through the program currently offered;

c. Any deposits which have changed hands, not having been done through this program, will not be honored as a valid deposit, no interest payments will be made and the principal, will be subject to forfeiture.

It's not worth risking your hard earned funds to this possibility, so please, DO NOT jeopardize the program by making poor decisions.


1. Sellers will make their interest in selling their deposit(s) known in a section of the forum which is being put together as you are reading this, up by Ingenue.

2. By participating in the forum with authority given to you by GNI, to sell your deposit, you agree to limit all activities and negotiations to the GNI forum, your private email or PM.

3. 20% will be deducted from the selling price of the deposit which serves to offset the costs associated with removing the funds from trade, re-register the deposit reflecting the new owner (transfer fees) and a surcharge which will be used to further capitalize and strengthen GNI.

4. Those who desire to increase their GNI holdings shall, after reviewing the available deposits on the forum, will contact the seller via PM or any other way that seller wishes, made known in the forum; express their wanting to enter into negotiations to purchase their available Deposit via Private Messenger (PM) private email or some other discretionary manner agreeable to both buyer and seller.

Note: Because the forum and, to a lesser degree, GNI as a whole, takes privacy issues very seriously, we cannot guarantee your privacy or any consequences (IF ANY) for unveiling any privacy you have come to expect.

5. All sales transfers or trades must be reported to Debbie by both the buyer and seller at She will inform what, if any, documentation may or may not be necessary to consummate the transfer and will instruct buyer the methodology to make payment. Payments will NOT be made through the script, they WILL be made pursuant to Debbie's instructions.

6. All sales are final, but further repurchase of any deposit is always possible.

To best explain this program, we'll use our beloved characters 'Lam' and 'GNIHausfrau' (who might I add, recovered her blond hair).

GNIHausfrau, in true character fashion, over-charged during the holidays purchasing, for herself far too many items and forgetting completely about the charities she was supposed to promote at GNI (the children of Africa thank you Hausfrau !!!).

Hausfrau then remembered hearing about some buyback program being orchestrated by GNI. Hausfrau's blond hair started spinning…."Hmmmmmggggggggzzzzzzzz…I have a better idea." she said to her hair.... "I'll sell mine on Ebay or better yet, 'Greg'sList.' I'll make a fortune!!!"

Fortunately, before she could get her blond hair in motion, she discussed this idea with her friends who rightfully explained, there was no faster way to get removed from the program than attempting to sell her deposit outside of GNI's Forum.

Off chafe her blond hair and on went her "thinking cap" deciding she would attempt to sell one of her four deposits. So, the following day, she posted on the newly set aside area of the GNI forum, the 5000.00 deposit she needed to pay for her Macy's and Nordstrom credit card bills…

Lam, being the staunch and thrifty pragmatist that he is, was ALWAYS looking to increase his his net worth, but only in a way that reflected the highest moral standards possible. He saw Hausfrau's "deposit 4 Sale," in a thread on the GNI Forum. Lam had read, then confirmed by PM, he could buy Hausfrau's $5000.00 at a significantly discounted price.

WHAT A DEAL!!! (Lam thought to himself). I can get a $5000.00 deposit for $4000. Indeed, Lam could score the "deal of a lifetime" while allowing Hausfrau to fill her pockets to overflowing with cash....$4000 right???

WRONG....declared Debbie at GNI. Because these deposits were locked into trade for 14 months, registered in the name of the Purchaser of Record in the purchaser's E-currency / PP of record, there would have to be a method to recover costs associated with these transactions.

The resources required to move these funds was more than Hausfrau could put in her Station Wagon.

Professor Poindexter determined GNI would need to include a 20% transfer fee. Whenever funds must be pulled out of trade, converted to a PP and human resources are utilized, costs are incurred. Further, Professor Poindexter explained to Hausfrau (with her "thinking cap" in the "on" position), GNI is in Restructuring Mode, this is a good opportunity for them to rebuild their program by developing a new income stream.

Hausfrau, after having received her new funds, successfully slipped off her thinking cap and slipped on her blond hair all the while was wondering to herself... "Where's the mall, this money is burning holes in my clothes?" (Story to be continued in the next newsletter where we'll introduce Hausfrau's friend, Sandi and her daughter, Holli -Dolli.)

8. Summary / Conclusion / Comments

I know those of you who have, to date, not been paid, are very disappointed, discouraged perhaps even angry. We understand this! It, however, doesn't change the facts, the current market conditions nor does it unfreeze our funds tied up at Yesilada Bank in North Cyprus. Unlike the Central Governments of the world, we don't have the ability to 'make' money with a printing press.

Many of you have asked what can you do to help us. What everyone can do is remain positive and as much as possible, supportive of the new income streams we seek to push the program forward.

Have a great weekend! We're working hard!

Robert and your GNI Support Team