In this news letter:
1. Summer is over
2. Current packages results
3. New packages
4. In the pipe line
5. FAQ’s
1. Summer is over!
Since this was the first summer for WBwso we had some worries how things would work when key staff take a vacation! It turned out that everything worked fine and the staff in place did a good job and keep everything running with out to many glitches. Support response time increased due to less staff, but still 99.2% of all support requests where dealt with in less then 24 hours. Not bad for a holiday period!
A new system that we where testing out over the summer also created some rather interesting issues as it became slight to generous at times and double booked outgoings. This was of course corrected by our verification system but it did leave some strange results at times. We still see some smaller errors, but it is nothing to worry about and so far our verification system has not failed on a single transaction. All up to date and working.
2. Current packages results
Summer, read July and August, are times that are known for lower income from websites (people don’t always carry a lap-top to the beach) and lower prices on sales of websites so we did what every average webmaster would do, calculated it in the budget and built up a small reserve from earlier profits so we could keep our purchasing plans and perhaps make some extra deals when the prices for websites is lower. To our great surprise expansion of the websites has been so rapid that only one single package came out under budget during these 2 months! All the other packages brought in income higher then estimated. That’s what we call carful planning!
3. New Packages
Recently we launched a new FlipSite and FastSaleSites packages. Both of them are directly connected to a WealthBuilder package, WB11. This means that under “current packages” you will only see FlipsitesWB11 if you first join WealthBuilder11 and you will only see FastSaleSitesWB11 once you have joined FlipSitesWB11.
Members who has already joined them can now see that we have changed the name of the packages from “FS4 and FSS$”.
The reason we did it this way is only because we want to be abler to split the packages further and add a more variable rate to them, maximizing the return for the members.
Today we have also launched FlipSites08, FlipSites09, FlipSites10 and they are all sub packages of the corresponding WealthBuilder package. IN the coming days we will launch sub-packages to the FlipSites in the form of new FastSaleSite packages.
We also launched 2 new packages of the successful WebSiteInvestment packages. The shortest term packages we offer. Minimum time is only 90 days and there is no maximum! All WebSiteInvestment packages are still aimed at long term ownership to build a nice monthly income. We don’t aim to sell the website in each package, only develop it and increase the return. Here to stay for many years to come, but you can get out any time you wish! Read more about them under “current packages” on the website once logged in.
List of all open packages right now:
1. Long term: WealthBuilder5
2. Long term: WealthBuilder6
3. Long term: WealthBuilder7
4. Long term: WealthBuilder8
a. Short-term FlipSitesWB08
5. Long term: WealthBuilder9
a. Short-term FlipSitesWB09
6. Long term: WealthBuilder10
a. Short-term FlipSitesWB10
7. Long term: WealthBuilder11
a. Short-term FlipSitesWB11 (ex FS4)
b. Short-term FastSaleSitesWB11 (ex FSS4)
8. Short/Long Term: WebSiteInvestment3
9. Short/Long Term: WebSiteInvestment4
A lot of packages but some of the older WealthBuilder packages are close to being filled and will soon close for new funding.
4. In the pipe-line
The much awaited information on FlipSites3 has been delayed and delayed over and over again. This has all been due to our need to isolate them from links in other packages and our linking system. A task proven to be ever so hard. It is not often you find a webmaster who works to get pages OUT of Google, you normally work to get as many as possible IN, so this that seemed like a very simple task proved to be an endless task.
When working on this one bright co-worker came up with the simple idea “hey, why don’t we just publish the RSS feeds we are looking at any way for tracking events on the sites, all the sites?”. After some experimenting with some simple scripts we found that this actually gave some pretty pleasing results.
So what is this then? It is simple. Each task made on a website – add articles, add links, redesigns, add variations, add split testing, key word analyse and much, much more comes up on a screen that some staff can see so we know what is being done to each site and by who. If we just mask some info we could actually publish this. We are now working on a simple solution to give this access to all members.
Don’t worry, we will still keep our promise and publish full info on FS2 to the owner of that package since it is a little demo.
5 FAQ’s
Here are some questions that we received recently:
Q: I cant find a short term package?
A: Join one of the WealthBuilder packages and you get access to short term packages.
Q: How can I see what packages are open right now for investment without investing in every WealthBuilder package?
A: Log in to your WBwso account and click on “My packages”. You will now see all packages you have invested in AND all packages that are currently open for investments.
Q: What is the minimum amount I can withdraw?
A: No minimum from us, but please note that Alertpay will not process payments less then $1.00.
That’s all for this time. If you have any questions please use our support, we reply to all questions in less then 24 hours. If you did not receive a reply please check you spam folder.
Kind regards
Allan Davis
WBwso News Letter
WBwso update